Maya Baly Angulo


City Hub & Network for Gender Equity

What is CHANGE?

The City Hub and Network for Gender Equality (CHANGE) is an international network of cities, representing over 35 million residents, committed to advancing gender equity. CHANGE supports cities' ability to collaborate effectively, share best practices, and demonstrate sustainable and data-driven results.

- Los Angeles Innovation Team

Measuring Gender Equity in Cities

An Intersectional Set of Proposed Indicators


Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti


Task Force Member

Occidental College


January – May 2021

This Report proposes a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators that cities can use to measure gender equity. By using an intersectional lens and specifically calling for data collection disaggregated by SOGIESC, the task force moves beyond current processes of measuring along the gender binary and seeks to make other gender identities and the LGBTQIA+ population more visible and city-wide data collection processes. Overall, the 52 priority indicators proposed in this Report aim to help decision makers gather an outcome-oriented data set with an ultimate goal of creating systemic change within across different cultural contexts and city sizes.


Design & Layout

Developed custom layout and design guidelines for the Report, building on established CHANGE website brand colors and design.

Indicator Grouping


Worked with design team members to select visually descriptive icons to convey indicator groupings across the language diverse Network.